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Big Slough Wilderness Area
Big Slough Wilderness Area Quantity in Basket: None
Code: TX-2
Price: $4.00

Year - 1991

Scale - 1:24,000

Topo Lines - Yes


The Big Slough Wilderness is in the GUlf Coastal Plain of East Texas, about five miles north of Ratcliff. It was designated wilderness on October 30, 1984, when President Ronald Reagan signed the Texas Wilderness Act. It is currently 3,639 acres. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is responsible for establishing and enforcing hunting and fishing regulations within it.

The forest cover in the area is primarily hardwood, including whtie oak, red oak, hickory, chestnut oak, cherry-bark oak, sweetgum, nutall oak and willow. Hardwood areas account for 66 percent of the area; about 26 perent of the area is shortleaf and loblolly pine. Mixed hardwood and pine account for 4 percent, with water in the slough accounting for 4 percent of the wilderness area.

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