Year - 1993
Scale - 1:24,000
Topo Lines - Yes
Apache Kid Wilderness was created by the New Mexico Wilderness
Act of 1980 and is administered by the Magdalena Ranger District
of the Cibola National Forest. The wilderness contains
44,650 very rugged acres in the southern portion of the San
Mateo Mountains. Elevations range from about 6,400 feet to over
10,000 feet at Blue Mountain, San Mateo Mountain, San Mateo Peak,
and Vick's Peak. The topography of the area is very rugged
, with sheer cliffs at Vick's Peak and steep-walled canyons throughout.
Withington Wilderness is also administered by the Magdalena
Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest. The wilderness
contains 18,870 acres, generally located on the northeastern
slopes of the San Mateo Mountains. The topography is
quite rugged, with eleveations varying from 6,800 to 10,100